Sold [Selling] Selling High PR trove account.

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by Yinnis, 1/7/17.

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  1. Yinnis

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    Reason why I'm selling it : Do not have the time anymore to grind/play the game. I still love it but it is impossible without alot of free time.

    Price : 300euro
    Account details :

    IGN : Fritler

    Mastery : I do not know exactly what rank I am but I am 300+

    Patron points : 653

    Power ranks :
    - 20233 PR Pirate captain with good stats (dps)
    - 19447 PR Shadow hunter decent stats (dps)
    - 14k+ revenant (Tank)
    - All other are around 3-9k Pr

    Chest :
    - 36 Mtanks , 1200 twice forged , 229 thrice ,32 quad, 14 penta , 7 radiant.
    There's more in the chest like eyes , dragon coins ,pearls ,etc.
    - stellar 2 star gems and some items.

    More info :

    I have alot of tomes , costumes , ally's ,etc
    I do not know all the stuff I have and can not be bothered to explain all of it.

    If you have questions about my in game items or information about me or anything u can always ask me.

    If you are interested in buying my account or for questions please contact me on skype : easy_101_4

    I will not use a middle man or anything I just want this account gone asap, If you do not trust me or do not feel safe do not bother contacting me.

    If possible I would like my money via Paypal this is easier for me.
    We can argue about the price.
    Once you buy this account it's yours, I do not want it or need it back. No returns.

    (Sorry for my English)

    Kind regards,
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