Sold Trading LoL Account for RS3 Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Wookie Skwad, 1/7/17.

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  1. Wookie Skwad

    Wookie Skwad
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    Trading my LoL account for RS3 Gold. I have no problem going first to people with decent feedback.

    I'm looking to sell my LoL account because I'm just not that into LoL like I used to be. I was hoping to put the money I get from the account towards a game I'm interested in.

    I used to play LoL hardcore before falling out of love with the game in S5. I slowly let my ELO decay and don't have the drive to play it any longer.

    I'm the original owner, I will provide ALL the recovery info, and I don't mind going first to anyone I deem reasonable and trustworthy.

    The account has all but 3 champs.

    Notable Skins: SG Udyr, Riot Blitz, Zombie Brand, TPA Ezreal, Headless Hecarim, SKT Vayne, and plenty of other 25k+ Elophant Skins.

    A/W: 900m RS3 GP
    Willing to negotiate.

    I can provide pictures and a full list of Skins to anyone interested via Skype.

    Skype: Mayhem SMR
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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