Sell for working issues my 3 years playtime account with Paragon 2750 Diablo 3 ROS Pro Account Rank 130 4pl EU Server with With Doctor DPS, Arachyr set, just buffed on the new patch so still in the new 4players group meta!!! DH Multishot, M6 Marauder, Helltooth WD, Raiment Shenlog Monk and Support Barbarian builds with Op Gear and Full Caldesan 100/105 ready to farm... i know, i get mad to this game Whirlwind Barbarian, LoN Tail Kick Monk, Jade Harvester WD builds with Op Gear but not Caldesan Augument. All Other Ancient Set Gear and Legedary aveilablein the Stash maniacally positioned per class. All Triumphs and Seasonal Pennants avelaible Triumph(2 green) ,Falcon and Andhariel Wings aveilable All Seasonal Portraits Aveilable All Pets aveilable I Played All Season since 2, so i get 9 stash pages where i putted all the nice Items i found in this 3 years. Pictures that i will attach later are gonna show many of it. What Else.... just farm huge experience, rank ladder and build new normal and seasonal charachter waiting for Necromancer...... private message me@ [email protected] with object Diablo Account pls fair price : 500 euro