multiplayer rank : legendary 10 times - personal best was top 5k battle royale rank : legendary 10 times - personal best was top 5k average damage br: +1000 cp - 15cp left credits - 88,450 epic characters : 281 mythic characters : 1 (templar) basic characters : 40 BP vaults : most of them epic backpacks : 101 all dream aurora camos unlocked for all guns LEGENDARY AND MYTHIC GUNS/BLUEPRINTS M13 - morningstar - mythic Grau 5.56 - phantom's core - mythic Switchblade X9 - neon legend - mythic Kilo 141 - demonsong - mythic Krig 6 - ice drake - mythic USS 9 - fusion - mythic HBRa3 - rictus arc - legendary QQ9 - moonlight - legendary PP19 Bizon - oath's defiance - legendary Swordfish - calaca prestige - legendary DL Q33 - zealot - legendary QQ9 - melting point - legendary KN-44 -shadow's wings - legendary SKS - particle splitter prestige - legendary DR-H - kurohana - legendary HG 40 - ghoul bound prestige - legendary DL Q33 - Holidays - legendary M4 - black gold royal - legendary Locus - demonic breath - legendary HVK-30 - catridge crusher - legendary Mac-10 - lily of the night - legendary Locus - electron - legendary 6 mythics, 3 prestige, 16 legendaries 533 epic guns , 710 basic guns 1 legendary orv 90 epic vehicles 201 basic vehicles