How can I check if a refunder is working on my refund?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by KamikazeHero, 1/6/17.

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  1. KamikazeHero

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    Hey guys,

    I've been trying to get a refund from someone for a week now and I really don't think they're working on it at all and just stalling for a possible exit scam or something. I wish I could go into more details but I'll save that for the full report if I can determine he's a scammer.

    It's for an Apple refund so I want to call them up and confirm if the case is being worked on without screwing it up if it actually turns out he is working on it. What should I say to just check if this guy's even called up and initiated the refund?

    Also, in case he is a scammer and I've got to find someone else to do it, how likely is it to get it done now that it's been a week since it's arrived?

    Thanks guys!
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