Hello. I am seling Amazon US and DE gift cards at 80% values US 100$ to 500$ values DE 100 All cards are physical cards, some with pictures and recipes. Payment option is BTC I am not going first Skype: anze_skulj Attached Images http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/jpg.gif 22.jpg [Download and Thanks] (132.1 KB) http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif Screenshot (98).png [Download and Thanks] (209.3 KB) http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif Screenshot (100).png [Download and Thanks] (210.6 KB) http://www.playerup.com/forum/mpghv2/attach/png.gif Screenshot (104).png [Download and Thanks] (256.5 KB)