FREE BTC each hour!

Discussion in 'All Other Social Media Accounts & Services' started by treve01, 1/5/17.

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  1. treve01

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    (i am not allowed to post links, if interested, please add me on skype: treve01)

    this is a referal link. on the website you will be able to claim a small amount of btc each hour. you will also receive 2 lottery tickets.

    you can use youre free btc to gamble using a multiply high low game, or just save and stack it. you can move it to youre private wallet or an exchange.

    Get alot more free BTC using the ******** system:

    this is not riskfree, and i only tested it for 12 hours, on up to 5 "streams". i do not charge anything for this tip! i only ask to use my ref link, it will give me 0.25% on youre winnings (paid by the game, not you!).

    How to earn 0.00010000 each hour: (and you can tweak it to do more, or just start multiple streams):

    go to autobet / settings
    => base bet 1 cent (smallest amount possible)
    => on win: return to base bet!
    => on win: change odd to 2 (or 3)
    => on loose: change odd to 2 (or more to add more risk and speed up profits, stay below 2.71, max 3)
    => on loose: increase bet with 100%
    => no refresh
    => max roll 1 000 000
    => select stop on profit: pick a profit to stop. eg 10 000 50 000 100 000 ... (0.00xxx...-)
    => i do not select stop on loose, this might limit youre risk, but might cost you alot
    => max bet 20BTC
    => bet alternate

    this system will will double youre base bet after each time you loose, until you win, or lost everything. on higher bets the 2.03 will give you a nice return also, where 2.00 will only give you 1 cent for each round you won.
    i have been betting for 500 000 rounds, to find out that on this system above, the max bet so far was 132 000 BTC cents! , so i did need at least 264 000 cents. to have more security, i advise to have at least 2 or 3 millions cents, thats only 0.03 btc today... you can let it go faster, but when you get to greedy, you will end up with nothing, i promise you that! (it did cost me to get where i am now, so i did not make any profit so far, but i did recover a stupid loss using this system above, to make me 0.000500000 coins today, using only 0.02000... deposit
    Good luck, and post youre max bets to see how much misses this system needs to cover. (you might want to have more then 20 missers in a row! so 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 ....... 20 times, at least! if you do not have 20 doubles, don't use this system, or you will loose!

    if needed i will provide help setting the system up to youre needs and risk / reward profile, small donations might motivate a little.
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