Sellin account for $85,

Discussion in 'Fortnite Other Accounts | FN Accounts Sale' started by /u/Lylodon1, 1/9/25.

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  1. /u/Lylodon1

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    Has 268 skins (chapter 1 season 4+ battle pass skins like omega and also ghoul trooper), 291 back blings (rust bucket backbling), 200 some pickaxes and gliders, two kicks, 144 contrails, 922 emotes total (orange justice, rambunctious, hype, groove jam, etc), a bunch of wraps and so on lol I only have zelle and I'd want payment first (sketchy sounding ik but if I'm sellin somethin you get it)

    # #/Lylodon1
    # .
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