Sold GW2+HOT, OO account. 5x80 + a Boost

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Drazdon, 1/4/17.

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  1. Drazdon

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    Hey, putting feelers out there. Not 100% sure if I want to sell. But yeh. Here's my account.... ranked pretty highly.... I have bifrost on my daredevil and kudzu on my dragonhunter/ranger..... Mesmer is 78 now but will be 80 before i sell it... Full ascended gear for

    uhhhh if you wanna know more just message me on skype. Frank3nst3in

    if you know anything about the game you'll know what you want out of an account... I have 100% HoT and OG completion... raids done etc etc etc. Too lazy to type out all my details. just message me if you want a specific screenshot of something. Oh.. and i have the lightsward battlestaff skin on my bifrost... and we all know thats ******. (.001% world drop from airship cargo)
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