Selling Private Server Account

Discussion in 'Twin Saga Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ammy, 1/4/17.

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  1. Ammy

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    Following information is of an account on Twin Saga private server [ Twin Saga - Private Server - ].
    The server has a big population, slightly better rates than the official server and isn't managed by Aeria which means no bots or p2w bs. It currently has 80 cap and is almost up-to-date with HK and TW clients.

    I am selling the account because I don't really play the game anymore since I am occupied with other games and activities.

    The account was created back in August 2016, when the server first came up therefore my character is updated with the most exclusive fashion items (majority of them are female or unisex, I do own ~8 male costumes too, though), mounts, has A LOT of Senshis (4* ones, too) and lots of other good stuff.
    Detailed information with pictures below:


    +50 Yellow lv75 DPS weapon;
    +50 Orange Lv80 Helmet;
    +50 Orange Lv80 Chest;

    +50 Yellow Lv73 Waist;
    +50 Yellow Lv73 Shoes;
    +50 Yellow Lv73 Gloves;

    Orange lv80 accessories: +40 Cloak, +41 Necklace, +37 Ring.
    The character has several offensive and defensive trinkets, one of them (Tyrant Stone) was dropped by lv80 World Boss.


    Senshi stat bonuses:
    1) Natasha (lv80/80) [ATK 4444/4444; DEF 2240/2240]
    2) Cocotte (lv80/80) [ATK 2557/4444; HP 1028/7502]
    3) Emilia (lv66/80) [ATK 1823/4444]
    4) GoGo (lv59/80) [ATK 613/4444]
    5) Yu Ji (lv80/80)
    6) Cherry (lv75/80)
    7) Gaia (lv 66/80)
    8) Skadi (lv31/80)


    Title bonus:


    Professions (max level is 70):
    Fishing - lv41;
    Gathering - lv55;
    Farming - lv52;
    Alchemy - lv42
    Cooking - lv31;
    Crafting - lv70 [maxed].


    Class info:

    All available classes are unlocked.




    Costumes (99% of these are bound to acc):

    Costumes (unbound):


    Mounts (some are not bound to acc):


    Owned currencies:
    30$ worth of AP, 100 Astral Crystals, etc.


    Other posessions:
    67 days of VIP (unused yet).
    Lv60 orange+blue gathering tools (with more dmg during QTE bonus).
    Maxed out inventory space (20-slot backpacks in all tabs).

    200+ furniture items for your Terracottage.
    Maxed out Terracottage Warehouse Space.

    406x Loot Charm I.
    402x Loot Charm II.
    5x Loot Charm III.

    63x Cocotte Senshi books.
    10x Rita Senshi books.
    11x Ivor Senshi books.
    6x Gogo Senshi books.
    432 x Senshi Evolution Stones.
    2x 4* Senshi Evolution Keys.
    3x 5* Senshi Evolution keys.

    54x Advanced Gear Evolution scrolls.
    80+ Gear and Costume Enhancement cards.


    That's all I could think of to add here.
    If there is anything else you would like to know or if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or private message me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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