Sold Selling Mega Account of Potential

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Overb, 1/4/17.

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  1. Overb

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    The account has a huge potential to 5000 arena

    List of some great warriors

    RIN 40+5 Gold
    Teo 40+5 Gold
    Spike 40+5 Gold
    WuKong 40+5 Gold
    LuBu 40+5 Gold
    Ace 40+5 Gold
    Rudy 40+5 Gold
    Pascal 40+5 Gold
    Giprang 40+5 Gold
    Rachel 34+5 Gold
    Dellons 38+5 Gold
    Karin Awekened 40+5 Gold
    Evan 38+5 Gold Awekened 2 copy
    Karma 34+5 Gold
    Kriss 32+5 one copy
    Jave 30+5
    Klahan 30+5

    and many other characters

    Raid Team reaches the auto calmly 800000-1 300 000. It depends on the guild buffs:)
    A lot of awakened gears 5+
    A lot of costumes
    Now is 2011 Rubies
    Topaz 83
    Keys now is 218
    Price its 300 usd or 280 euro
    Gives an account of gmail account to which he is assigned
    payment only paypal
    IGN given on request
    my LINE over
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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