Sold The First Descendant ultimate account

Discussion in 'The First Descendant Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Etel, 9/20/24.

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  1. Etel

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    -All descendants including all ultimate descendants, all ultimate weapons. All descendant maxed lvl 40.
    -Amazing Bunny high-voltage build insane dps and range.
    -Ult Lepic one shot hard bosses build.
    -800k dps Enduring legacy full build it melts everything in seconds. Rerolled again now absolute god roll, see below.
    -Enzo Support dps supply firearm enhancer s-tier build.
    -Yujin duty and sacrifice build with an absolutely perfect reactor and components u can spam it every 10s, heal allies full HP and never run out of MP.
    -Ult Valby and Hailey best full build for mobbing and bossing. Enhanced all 24 Ultimate weapons for their ultimate abilities. Full build Greg's Reversed Fate, Perforator, Thunder cage and Piercing light, gold stats all weapons.
    -A lot of material, amorphous material, 32 crystallisacion catalysts, 10 energy activators. Enhancement material ready for another 30 catalysts and 4 energy activators. 130m gold, 20m kuiper shards.
    -All modules including all transcended modules.
    -Storage full of god rolls reactors and external components. All season pass rewards, beta rewards, many titules, colors for skins and stuff. More than 800 hours of gameplay in total!
    -Steam account region free - Including a few other games like destiny 2 with dlcs +200 hours in total.

    Price 140$!

    -If you are interested or have any questions pm me here.

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    #1 Etel, 9/20/24
    Last edited: 9/20/24
  2. gype15546

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    Hello, how much skin do you have and are you still playing these days?
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