Sold [WTS] 2x Package - UEE Exploration 2948 Pack // OC Hammerhead LTI, with BIS 2949 paint //...

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/cb_the_tr00per, 1/7/25.

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  1. /u/cb_the_tr00per

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    I'm willing to part with my some Ships of mine. I just wanna downsize the fleet, so no trade or barter requests please. What I'm willing to part with (Paypal, Fees included):

    TWO UEE Exploration 2948 Pack - 750$ OBO

    OC Hammerhead LTI - 600$ OBO

    for which I do posses the BIS 2949 paint that I could apply before selling it, if the buyer wishes so. (Serial N° A00870HH)

    OC Banu Merchantman LTI - 450$

    some Trophies:

    CitizenCon 2951 Trophy: 30$ OBO

    Gamescom 2946 Subscriber Trophy: 100$ OBO

    CitizenCon 2945 Subscriber Trophy: 30$ OBO

    Gamescom 2945 Subscriber Hangar Trophy: 100$ OBO

    # #/cb_the_tr00per
    # .
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