Sold Selling Kilian+15 behemoth Sorcerer, +15 ambush Lancer and 6 other level 65.

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by winterbell, 1/4/17.

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  1. winterbell

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    Level 65 Sorcerer Full behemoth +15, perfect rolls with IV etchings on everything. Also the best roll on all gear and jewlery. Rank 1 in Gridiron, Fraywind. Rank 6 in Champions Skyring, Rank 7 in CS.
    Level 65 Lancer +15 Ambush weapon perfect roll w/ IV energetic etching and +12 guile armor + blubred jewlery and quatrefoil brooch.
    Level 65 Ninja Full +12 Conflate.
    Level 65 Mystic - Slaugther gear - skilled in RMHM
    Level 65 Priest - Slaughter gear - skilled in RMHM
    Level 65 Warrior - Slaughter/Guile
    Level 65 Reaper - Slaughter
    Level 65 Berserker


    Level 65 Slayer on Mystel
    Level 50 Gunner on Mystel
    Level 20 Brawler on Mystel


    Lots of costumes, around 100k gold on each char, tera club until January 25th, veteran account, 20x behemoth essences and mats to craft another VM8 piece in bank.




    Price: 800 euro (open to offers)

    Leave me your skype, taking screens of the other chars etc. by request.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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