Save 5 years of work (thousands of dollars) -- go straight to the late-game. Start by building Town Hall 26 right away! Growth-Focussed Account: 7 Billion Might! All buildings at level 25 (except Idolith, at L24). 99% of available research is complete. Over 23 Billion in resource tokens! Average dragon levels: 98 for non-Epics; 86 for PvE Epics. Low BfA, but plenty of resources to build it up. Three-hit kill Level 10 mobs. Key Stats: TH25, 6.9B Might, BfA: +45/+44/+28/+104 (139m in allies) 6M Trophy Huntresses, 440 days of Training Speedups Tokens: 7.5B Gold, 8.8B Food, 6.8B Ore Brew: 25K+, Raid Brew: 1,300K+, 24h Shields: 293, Teleports: 570 Idols: all but 2 maxed. L24 Idolith. All Research Complete to TH25 except: Biome Raid March Caps II at L17 Raid Brew Efficiency Boosts at L16 Shrine tree estimated completion 20th October 2024 Dragon Level Caps at L20, Tier Caps at L4
Quick Update: Now 7.2B Might! After 5 years of fun, playing two accounts, it's time for me to move on to new adventures. I'd like to pass the accounts on to other players to enjoy, for a small return. Get Town Hall 26 right away! Revitalise your play: skip the tedium of lower levels, save years of hard work (thousands of dollars in-game) and go straight to the late-game, for a fraction of the cost. With over 89 days of Construction Speedups, you can build TH26 immediately (32 day cost), then grow quickly into TH26 research and construction. Over 23 Billion in resource tokens! Stats and screenshots were taken in August. Might is current at time of this post.
Account 1 has been sold. This account (account 2) is still available, now nearing 8B Might. It has more tokens than the other account (8.3b Gold, 10b Food, 6.8b Ore) but almost the same amount of research, and 8m Trophy Huntresses. The rest of my Might is all buildings (maxed L25) and research. The new screenshot shows how many Blueprints I've collected for whoever buys the account. There's enough Construction Speedups to build TH26 instantly. Information current at time of this post.