Selling [Vengeance/Nuia/NA] 2 Level 52s with stipend/patron *CHEAP*

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Simmadown, 1/4/17.

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  1. Simmadown

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    Hey there so i originally listed the account with just the 52 Primeval but since then i have leveled up a darkrunner to 52(auramancy is slightly behind) but the darkrunner is better geared so i will go ahead a relist the account. Has 40~ patron days remaining also has stipend so you will receive 1k Labor every day till its gone.

    52 Darkrunner:
    6/7 GHA Set only missing the head piece(first boss)
    Has viper fang bow ready to be turned into childslayers version if needed
    Has lost garden faded greatsword at purple quality with focus gems.
    Ultimate glider
    42 Obsidian/21 Abyssal Shard/11 Sunstrength Stone
    88 Gilda Stars
    Yata mount lvl 39
    Tons of archeum crafting material to sort/sell in warehouse
    2 1k labor pots ready to be used

    52 Primeval:
    2.6k GS (Jewelry is a bit low level but with gold easy to bring this up)
    3 Pieces of High Inquisitor's set all of which are purple.
    Owns harpoon clipper/Ultimate Glider
    32 Malevolent Obsidian/13 Abyssal Shard
    40 Gilda
    White Reindeer mount lvl 49/Donkey mount lvl 25
    Tons of archeum crafting material to sort/sell in warehouse

    has 2 8x8s side by side both under my ownership in Cinderstone Moor
    has 2 16x16 side by side both under my ownership in Windscour Savannah(1 needs a lumber pack but is protected till 17th)
    1 thunderstruck log ready to be made into farm cart or be sold whatever you want.

    I am gonna try to get 120 USD for it via Paypal
    Thanks for looking at my thread if interested please post below before contacting me
    Skype: bloodtapz
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