Selling Xelor 200 Stuffed + 50M Kamas Cheap [Otomai]

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Kalas, 1/3/17.

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  1. Kalas

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    Selling my account with xelor lvl 200 stuffed and have all +100 Parchment [+50m Kamas of equipment ] + 50m kamas on server otomai [French server].

    Screen :

    Being a player of the 1.29, the game completely changed and didn't interest me anymore, it was a long time I stopped playing so I sell it.

    The account is certified BUT I didn't put a phone number so you can put your phone number change the password, secret question , adresse but only the name / first name can not be changed.

    Price : 70€

    If someone buy it before the 10 January, you have the sacri or iop Free !

    + Can add sacrieur 190+ or Iop 190+ unstuffed each 20 € more !

    Payment by paypal , only selling .

    Pm me for info or anything ty.
    Each 20 € more
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