Features: Savable/Loadable configs Aimbot - Prioritize - Key activation - FOV - Smoothing - AutoShoot - AutoCrouch - FriendlyFire - Silent - Autowall Aim Assistance - FriendlyFire - Smoothing - Randomize hitbox Triggerbot - Key activation ESP - Enemy only - Filters - - Players, Weapons, Bomb - - 2D Boxes - - Names - - Glow - - Health - - Views - - Bomb timer Chams - XQZ - Shadows Visuals - Radar - Crosshair - Aimbot FOV - Recoil - Spectators - FOV slider Removals - NoFlash - NoHands Miscellaneous - RCS - BunnyHop - Spinbot - Clantag/Name changer - Invisible name (scoreboard/killfeed) - Chatspam - Airstuck Control - Disable everything - Unload module Usage Step 1: Open your favorite injector Step 2: Select process csgo.exe and module RandoHook_Public.dll Step 3: Open Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (if not running already) Step 4: playerup in-menu or in-game Step 5: Use INSERT to access the menu VIRUSSCAN: https://virusscan.jotti.org/en-US/fi...job/4ted0g1c66 https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c...is/1483378941/ from Kalejs