SOLD 45$ Overwatch Plat Account Origins Edtion Rare Skins With Noire Widow Oni Genj

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lWebzl, 1/2/17.

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  1. lWebzl

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    Hello everyone!
    I'm selling my Overwatch account, at the moment is Plat with 2527. I'm the original owner and I bought the game in pre-order so my game have Noire Widowmaker skin. This account is perfect for guys that are looking for a brand new account with good mmr or for guys that are looking for a smurf account!

    Almost every hero have a Legendary Skin or a skin that you cannot obtain from normal lootboxes.

    Most important skin list:

    ANA: Ghoul Wadjet
    BASTION: Gearbot Steambot Overgrown
    D.VA: JuneBug
    GENJI: Oni
    HANZO: Demon Lone Wolf Okami
    JUNKRAT: Jester Dr.Junkenstein
    LUCIO: Breakaway
    MCCREE: Scrooge Gambler
    MEI: Firefighter Abominable
    PHARAH: Mechaqueen Raindacer Security Chief
    REAPER: Blackwatch Reyes Pumpkin
    ROADHOG: Rudolph TOA Junkentein's Monster
    76: Immortal Commando 76 Strike-Commander Morrison
    SYMMETRA: Vampire
    TORBJORN: Deadlock Barbarosa
    TRACER: Mach T Slipstream
    WIDOWMAKER: Odette Odile Huntress Noire
    WINSTON: Undersea
    ZARYA: Frosted
    ZENYATTA: Skullyatta Sunyatta Nutcracker

    For skin list click here

    Have 893 Competitive Points and 2045 Gold. have Diablo III with DLC (but i didn't play much).
    The reason that I'm selling this account is because I'm at university, and I don't have time to play, and this money will help a little bit!

    Price: 45$
    Payment: PAYPAL

    Fell free to add me on skype to negotiate or ask me any questions about the account or game progress

    Or send me an email: [email protected]
    Or just post down in the comments or PM here!

    GL & HF
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