Hey guys, I'm going to be selling my Xbox account because I rarely play Xbox anymore. Also the price is not final. We can negotiate price. I'm not going to say the name of my account just to keep it secure but it has an OG gamertag. Year 1 Account. 5420 grimoire. 390+ all characters. Tier 12, every build, for any special weapon, all characters. 2.46 overall K/D with a 2.8+ K/D in trials and 130+ flawless runs, with an 83% overall win percentage for crucible. Done all PvE content. Tons of PvE god rolled guns. Tons of PvP god rolled guns. Heart of Foundation, Tricorn, and Nepal emblem/shader. All SRL shaders. Lots of emotes/sparrows/ships. Every exotic in the game. If you have an offer, pm me, and we can discuss details on the price. Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman
lol that's why I said the price was #. Not sure how to price it tbh. I've seen accounts not even close to as good going for 700.
Dude im sorry but 1000, you'll find no luck. I'd buy your account for around 200-300.USD which is still a lot of money. Let's be real
Lmao 200-300? Dont try to finesse this kid, he aint responding because no way he will sell you that. The napal shader itself sellf for around 200$ alone on ebay. He basically giving you the rest for free. But 1k is a little pricey. I say about 600-700
I have an equally good account with all 400 characters (1 warlock and 2 hunters) with many xbox games. i'm selling for $400 but i'm willing to negotiate. email me at stomeno97@gmail.com or txt me at 5856974879
Hello, I am interested in purchasing your account off of you. I was a top teir Destiny player with similar stats and was banned off Xbox. I would pay well and change all the appropriate info. Message if interested. Or email me at flynnso59@gmail.com