[H] Ogre - Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected & Shadowleaf Insurgent[W] Frost Avalanche - Cm...

Discussion in 'DOTA 2 Other Accounts | DOTA2 Accounts Sale' started by /u/False_Fox_9361, 1/1/25.

  1. /u/False_Fox_9361

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    as title says, cheapest i've seen (since cm arcana price dropped down to almost to $10 on the community market) or ill take your Abscesserator Reaper Wreath strings of surdan [3:1]

    set is unbundled tho, but may be gifted once.

    for hoodwink i'd like the monkey king or techies arcana please (same thing like with ogre set, umbundled but can be gifted once) or ill take your Soul Shredder [1:1]

    trade me your item here https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=84293408&token=gwUslZcW

    And add me here for 30 days when you will recive asked item: steam profile / Dota id: 84293408

    buyer go first. THANKS

    # #/False_Fox_9361
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