Sold [Offer] NA various starters store: 3 Rin faces/3 Scathach/3 Jeanne. Double Musashi/Ibuki/Da...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/structura, 12/31/24.

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  1. /u/structura

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    Google spreadsheet with accounts

    • For any additional questions - dm or Discord: structur;

    • No Paypal. Price can be discussed;

    • Digital Steam Gift Cards;

    • Bitcoin/Etherium/USDT/USDC;

      US residents can buy cryptocurrency in the PayPal application in the finance section and send it to any crypto address


    1) Starter | 966,605,866 | 915SQ+Castoria+Waver+Muramasa+Fae Lancelot+Da Vinci Rider+Space Ishtar+Summer Kama+Summer Kiara+Kiara OG| screenshot

    2) Starter | 446,620,259 | 915SQ+Castoria+Waver+Muramasa+Space Ishtar+Summer Kama | screenshot

    3) Starter | 848,971,029 | 923SQ+Castoria+Muramasa+Summer Kama | screenshot

    4) Starter | 363,591,759 | Castoria+Waver+Muramasa+Da Vinci Rider+Da Vinci Caster+Summer Kiara+Hokusai+Space Ishtar+Saber og+Achilles+Artemis+Yang Guifei+Shuten-Douji+Anastasia | screenshot

    5) Starter | 998,013,751 | Castoria+Waver+Muramasa+Space Ishtar+Kiara OG+Summer Kiara+Summer Kama+Anastasia+Xian Yu+Ganesha+Bradamante+Shuten-Douji+Lady Avalon+Ibuki Summer+Ibuki Saber | screenshot

    6) Starter | 247,232,760 | Skadi+Scathach+Skadi Summer+Dantes+Bazett+Altera+Osakabehime | screenshot

    Old references(9 years selling history) : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    # #/structura
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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