1. Date Dispute Happened December 15 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $135 USD 4. Other Parties Username TaizerHub 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment Crypto 6. Other Parties Email Addresses N/A 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address N/A 8. Other Parties Messenger Username TELEGRAM - @TaizerHub DISCORD - Taizerhub 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below I had bought many accounts from him in the past. Whenever I messaged him in the past his communication was straight to the point and professional. However this time when I messaged him it was the complete opposite and he was communicating in a typical scammer manner. Checked his Playerup account, saw he had no negative feedback or complaints in his threads so I ignored his change in manner and sent the money. It's been 6 days since I sent the money and he has only 'provided' 5 out of the 20 accounts as seen in the screenshots. The majority of the those 5 accounts have had their password changed and 2fa activated so I am unable to access them. on the 19th I told him to either send the accounts or refund my money. He has not done either. That was the last time we communicated and he is not reaching out to me despite being on Telegram the majority of the day. He clearly has no intention of providing the accounts and has turned from being a legitimate seller in the past, to now being a scammer.
I provided him with 5 accounts. I did not scam him. I simply ran out of funds, so I asked him to wait patiently until I could provide the remaining accounts. I was Stuck after being scammed $430. I will Clear This Don't Call me Scammer..
Screenshots of 2fa being enabled on 2 of the email accounts he provided me preventing me from logging in
This is one of the email accounts that I was able to access. The screenshot shows 2FA being enabled on the stake account on the 16th, the day before he gave me the login information. Second screenshot is of me trying to login to the stake account, and being met with a request for 2FA.
So to summarize: I bought 20 gamble accounts from him 1 week ago. So far he has provided login information for 5 accounts. Out of those 5; 3 of them were inaccessible as 2FA had been activated on either the email account or the stake account. I haven't even tried to log into the other 2, but I'm sure it will be exactly the same. @Hulk
Please provide your USDT address. I will refund your $135. If I had scammed you, how would you still be messaging me? You will receive your $135 within 14 hours.