Sold [WTS] $690 Store Credits for $415 USD (60%) w/ PayPal FEE Included!

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/G00-reddit, 12/19/24.

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  1. /u/G00-reddit

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    Hello my fellow citizens! I'm here to sell $690 store credits for $415 USD (60%) in the form of two ships. Ships listed below.

    1x CCU’d Anvil Valkyrie (6 Month Insurance)

    1x CCU’d Constellation Aquila (6 Month Insurance)

    MY PRICE: $415

    Melt Value per Ship: $315 (Constellation Aquila), $375 (Anvil Valkyrie)

    Total Melt Value: $690

    Send PM HERE TO PURCHASE and leave a comment on this post that you've PM'd, so I can see your flair and that you are not banned.


    Make sure to leave in your PayPal email and your RSI Handle when you PM me, so I can send you an invoice through PayPal and gift these two ships to your RSI account. You will find your gifted pledges in the same email as your PayPal email. If you can't find your gifted item in your inbox, try and look through your spam/junk folder.

    Requirements: Confirmed RSI Account, Verified PayPal

    # #/G00-reddit
    # .
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