Sold MASTERS Support Main Coach - ⭐ALL Regions⭐ Tricks to CLIMB ✅ MACRO FUNDAMENTOS ✅ LANING...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/GlobalSupportCoach, 12/19/24.

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  1. /u/GlobalSupportCoach

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    ⭐Free Youtube Channel with Guides and Champion Specifics! :⭐

    Click the discord link to join the server and just @ me or private message me to get started!


    About me :

    Masters Support main who has been hitting Masters consistently since season 10. I’ve built strong habits and mindsets about how to play the game that I have effectively transferred to my students and am now creating content about it to support free mentorship!

    After you place your first order, I’m happy to look at games every so often and also give you more tips afterwards. So it’s not exactly a “get a session and that’s the end of it”. I do genuinely want to help people rank up and enjoy league of legends as a game.

    Some of my best achievements so far :

    ✅Platinum 4 → Masters 100 LP (Support) in 2 months

    ✅Silver 3 → Platinum 4 (Top) in 2 months

    ✅Gold 3 → Platinum 2 (Support) in 1 month

    ✅Gold 1 → Emerald 3 (Support) in 3 weeks!

    I may not “main” the other roles, but I have definitely played and learnt how to play them to a masters level starting from the very bottom. So I very much understand the game and how YOU can get started in climbing quickly through the ladder. I offer free resources on Youtube (Shorts) so definitely make use of those and let’s get you climbing!

    Click the discord link to join the server and just @ me or private message me to get started!

    Discord Tag : Andryu

    # #/GlobalSupportCoach
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