Sold [PriceCheck] Origin Celebration 315P with Black Rose paint

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Tivy_whitetail, 12/18/24.

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  1. /u/Tivy_whitetail

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    Would anyone have an idea of how rare the 315p with the Black Rose paint from the Origin Celebration event is and roughly what it would go for on the grey market? I've looked around for what the value would roughly be but can't seem to find any recent posts.

    The one I have is a CCU'd version with sadly only 3 month insurance attached to a game package (Upgraded from a Mustang Alpha).

    And on a side note, would it even be sellable / tradable without the customization being reset? I've read that buying back a 300 series voids the option to get the limited paint.

    # #/Tivy_whitetail
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