⭐WIZARD101 Fast & Cheap Leveling Bundle Service⭐ We Offer a Fast, Reliable and Affordable Leveling Service Bundle, The leveling process is done swiftly through main quests. Check out Bundles and the price break down, Down below! PS: Buyers must have Membership on their Accounts before paying for this service. The Custom Questing Service is only for Main Quests of the Worlds listed in the Bundles down below, No Side Quests are included or Side Spell Quest! Please Note. You can request for a custom bundle using the prices below, But it must be for at least 3 - 4 worlds that you're making a request for. ⭐1. Bundle Service for Worlds listed below - (Total Price: $2.50) (Level 1 - 30) Wizard City - $Free Krokotopia - $0.50 Marley Bone - $1.00 Mooshu - $1.00 ⭐2. Bundle Service for Worlds listed below - (Total Price: $11.00) (Level 50 - 80) Dragonspyre - $2.10 Celestia - $2.50 Zafaria - $2.90 Avalon - $3.50 ⭐3. Bundle Service for Worlds listed below - (Total Price: $30.00) (Level 90 - 120) Azteca - $6.00 Khrysalis - $15.00 Polaris - $4.00 Mirage - $5.00 ⭐4. Bundle Service for Worlds listed below - (Total Price: $40.95) (Level 130 - 170) Empyrea - $8.95 Karamelle - $8.00 (Only up to Level 140) (Completion Cost: $0.50) Lemuria - $8.00 Novus - $8.00 (Completion Cost: $0.50) Wallaru - $8.00 (Only up to Level 170) (Completion Cost: $0.50) Addional Services we offer: Couch Potatoes 69 Farming Service - (Total Price: $10.35) One Couch Potato Seed - $0.15 (69 Plot included for free! at your garden house of choice, Buyer must be gardener rank 3) 2.0 Pet Training Service - (Total: Price: $5.00) Creation of a 2.0 pet, You must have at least 450k - 500k gold for this service. (Note: This service can be requested with the Wizard101 Leveling Service, You will be given a 50% off #.) 69 Garden Plots - (Total Price: $1.50) Creating 69 Plots, for Couch Potatoes & Evil Magma Peas in the shape of a Hexgon in your Garden House (Buyer must already have a garden house & has to be Rank 3 for Gardening) Gear Farming Services we offer: ⚔️ WIZARD101 NOVUS FRACTAL AEON GEAR FARMING SERVICE - (2 Hour for 1 Week) (Total Price: $10.50) Farming Fractal Aeon Hat, Robe & Shoes (Tier 1 Offensive) [Hours: 14 | Service Rate: $0.75] If you're interested in buying this service please join the Discord Server invite code: zhvymq65sp, Or you can add me on discord: roro07