Sold [H] KOR KZD codes, Birthday Codes, Custom Chinese Meltan Redeems [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/stinkynate, 12/14/24.

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  1. /u/stinkynate

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    I have some codes to offer in hopes of refilling the bank account from recent investments.

    I may also consider trading some KOR KZD codes for some JPN KZD codes... initial thought on rates are below as well.

    Notes for Meltan redeems:
    I will self redeem on stock Chinese hardware, and trade it locally to my US game. It can then be traded to you in LGPE, Home, or SwSh.
    Ball: Cherish
    Language tag: CHS
    OT: Custom - OT must be no more than 6 characters (Latin or Chinese only)
    ID: Random

    KOR KZD Code set (3 codes)​
    $40 + fees​
    Can trade some for JPN KZD (2:1 ratio)
    Custom CHS Meltan Redeem​
    $20 - NO fees​
    See notes above
    Tandemaus Code​
    $14 - NO Fees
    Pawmi Code​
    $8 + fees
    Charcadet Code​
    $8 + fees
    Pawmi + Charcadet Code​
    $14 - NO fees​


    # #/stinkynate
    . .
    #1 /u/stinkynate, 12/14/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24 at 2:23 AM
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