Sold Selling Stormshot Account 37SH, 2b+ power, kingdom 10213, 200$

Discussion in 'Stormshot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Oles_ok, 12/13/24.

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  1. /u/Oles_ok

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    Sell Stormshot account k10213 which include: Maximum power of AIRSHIP +14.4%attack troops KONG - 70 m power SEA MASTER - crown, trident and armour - 40 lvl; cuff -36 lvl, horn - 5 lvl TROOPS - 8 m + GEMS - 8-9 lvl GOLD HEROS - 5-6 stars Extremely strong account, you always will be leader in any alliance. Not enough just 200 marquis to get SH38. There are migration scrolls, if you want to change kingdom.

    # #/Oles_ok
    # .
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