Sold SH41 for sale

Discussion in 'Stormshot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/A_girl_has_no_name14, 12/13/24.

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  1. /u/A_girl_has_no_name14

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    Well maintained SH41 in closed kingdom with two SH45s.

    Highlights below, additional details on request:

    -R4 Seat in winning alliance -SH Lvl: SH41 -Power: 8.5B -Levi's: 3 pieces, almost ready for 4th -Battle Region: K71 - K130 -Dragons: all dragons except Chimera. DE lvl14, 62% bloodline, SB lvl15, 68% bloodline (enchantment), Frost lvl12 - 5%, Ghost lvl4 - 7% bl -Soulmarks: Scorched earth - lvl38, ice field - lvl29, Skyfire - lvl10, Glory - lvl3 -S+ Gear: one distance piece and a few S gear Current WOW season ranking: top 100 with support from top players in the game

    # #/A_girl_has_no_name14
    # .
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