Sold I want to break up with my boyfriend because he likes playing whiteout too much

Discussion in 'Whiteout Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Dry_Interaction_3186, 12/11/24.

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  1. /u/Dry_Interaction_3186

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    My boyfriend has been playing this game for over three months now. He is currently ranked first in his league. When we go out for dinner, he plays the game. On weekends, he spends the whole day playing without leaving the house. Since he started playing this game, we rarely communicate, and our conversations have been reduced to only discussing what's happening in his game.

    But he says that he took ADD medication for work, which makes him very tired when he gets home. The ADD medication requires him to stay busy, so that's why he keeps playing the game.

    # #/Dry_Interaction_3186
    # .
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