Wtt Nice Main's For Us Wow Gold/cdkeys/gametime Codes - Sold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Hey .!!! If you've got either some WoW gold, vanilla wow/tbc/LK keys, or 30/60day gametime codes, I'm willing to trade you my runescape accounts, with very good items and cash. Acc #1 Combat 104 82 Atk 91 Str 78 Def 86 Hp 72 Range 77 Mage **15M in cash/items** mostly cash Other noteable's on acc, 82 WC and 82 Cooking. He is f2p. Acc #2 99 Combat 78 Atk 83 Str 78 Def 81 Hp 72 Range 69 Mage **99 Fishing** **99 Cooking** Other noteable's on account, he is f2p and has 1.5M cash. He has soooo many vanity items from throughout his use, such as all the clothes from random events (mime, lederhosen etc) Reindeer hat, jackolantern mask, etc. My AIM is extony656, if you are TWV I will go first. I am OO to toons and have all info, scammers, I wouldn't waste your time.
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