Sold Selling Various Accounts! Epicced Warrior/Cleric/Monk/Bard/ and Much More!

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Kronoking1, 11/30/24.

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  1. Kronoking1

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    Hello All,

    I'm Selling Multiple accounts I leveled in my box groups. I used to do extensive small man raiding with these toons in Velious and work has caught up to me and I dont have much Playtime anymore. Here is my Lot:

    1) Level 60 Ogre Warrior- Epicced, 91 AAs, Most Tower Gear / Mid Raid Gear. NRO Clicky / WW Clicky / Food Clicky - $110

    2) Level 60 Iskar Shadow Knight- 58 AAs, Most Tower Gear / Mid Raid Gear. 2x 40 Slot Bags / Magus Clicky / NRO Clicky / WW Clicky / Food Clicky -...

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