Account #1 - Price: 600 USD Account Information: Level: 20 Coins: 53.954 Hard-Cash: 202 Spoiler Additional Information: Reset token available? YES (Attack, Damage, Speed) Account Name available to change? YES Linked to Google, Apple or Facebook.? NO Account Flagged? NO Raid ready? YES ATM maintained? YES Boosted Creatures: Mortem Rex - Level 30 - 4/15/8 (max) Troodoboa - Level 30 - 13/8/9 (max) Tuoramoloch - Level 30 - 15/13/2 (max) Diloracheirus - Level 30 - 14/10/6 (max) Thoradolosaur - Level 30 - 4/17/9 (max) Olorotitan - Level 30 - 7/17/6 (max) Yutyrannus - Level 30 - 14/11/5 (max) Tyrannometrodon - Level 30 - 10/12/8 (max) Geminideus - Level 30 - 15/13/0 Refrenantem - Level 30 - 8/17/5 (max) Tyrannosaurus Rex - Level 30 - 5/14/11 (max) Concatoloch - Level 30 - 7/0/1 Cryolophosaurus - Level 24 - 0/3/11 Indoraptor Gen 2 - Level 28 - 0/0/6 Thylaconyx - Level 28 - 0/0/4 Concatosaurus - Level 26 - 0/0/6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Account #2 - Price: 300 USD Account Information: Level: 20 Coins: 331.435 Hard-Cash: 1.163 Spoiler Additional Information: Reset token available? YES (Speed) Account Name available to change? YES Linked to Google, Apple or Facebook.? NO Account Flagged? NO Raid ready? YES ATM maintained? NO Boosted Creatures: Mortem Rex - Level 30 - 3/20/7 (max) Indonemys - Level 30 - 12/10/8 (max) Alacranix - Level 30 - 15/10/5 (max) Pteranokyrie - Level 30 - 2/0/3 Rexy - Level 30 - 2/20/9 (max) Geminideus - Level 30 - 10/20/0 (max) Refrenantem - Level 30 - 8/20/2 (max) Hydra Boa - Level 30 - 15/9/12 (max) Haast Maximus - Level 30 - 10/3/6 Thoradolosaur - Level 30 - 4/20/6 (max) Erlikospyx - Level 30 - 1/2/8 Concatoloch - Level 26 - 3/0/1 Indolycan - Level 30 - 0/0/5 Draco Lux - Level 26 - 0/0/1 Tuoramoloch - Level 30 - 0/0/2 Arctovasilas - Level 30 - 0/0/4 Tsintamoth - Level 27 - 0/0/6 Troodoboa - Level 22 - 0/0/4 Andrewtherium - Level 15 - 0/0/3 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Account #3 - Price: 250 USD Account Information: Level: 20 Coins: 214.766 Hard-Cash: 842 Spoiler Additional Information: Reset token available? YES (Health) Account Name available to change? YES Linked to Google, Apple or Facebook.? NO Account Flagged? NO Raid ready? YES ATM maintained? NO Boosted Creatures: Refrenantem - Level 30 - 8/17/5 (max) Pteranokyrie - Level 30 - 9/17/4 (max) Dsungascorpios - Level 30 - 10/13/7 (max) Tyrannometrodon - Level 30 - 8/15/7 (max) Rexy - Level 30 - 7/14/9 (max) Spinoceratops - Level 30 - 11/0/0 Thoradolosaur - Level 26 - 4/17/9 (max) Albertosaurus - Level 30 - 2/11/17 (max) Thylacotator - Level 30 - 0/0/10 Panthera - Level 30 - 8/10/2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Account #4 - Price: 200 USD Account Information: Level: 20 Coins: 1.504.885 Hard-Cash: 1.097 Spoiler Additional Information: Reset token available? YES (Health, Damage, Speed) Account Name available to change? YES Linked to Google, Apple or Facebook.? NO Account Flagged? NO Raid ready? YES ATM maintained? NO Boosted Creatures: Rexy - Level 30 - 4/14/12 (max) Parasauthops - Level 30 - 12/9/3 Aecyonyx - Level 30 - 8/0/6 Pteranokyrie - Level 30 - 9/0/4 Refrenantem - Level 30 - 8/17/5 (max) Troodoboa - Level 30 - 11/15/4 (max) Giganyx - Level 30 - 9/11/10 (max) Diloracheirus - Level 30 - 2/0/6 Giganotosaurus - Level 30 - 3/18/9 (max) Compsoraptor - Level 30 - 0/0/5 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Account #5 - Price: 150 USD Account Information: Level: 20 Coins: 523.168 Hard-Cash: 650 Spoiler Additional Information: Reset token available? YES (Health) Account Name available to change? YES Linked to Google, Apple or Facebook.? NO Account Flagged? NO Raid ready? YES ATM maintained? NO Boosted Creatures: Panthera Blytheae - Level 30 - 10/0/7 Ceratosaurus - Level 25 - 0/0/3 Spinoceratops - Level 28 - 0/0/1 Rexy - Level 30 - 7/14/8 Nomingia - Level 30 - 0/0/3 Tyrannometrodon - Level 23 - 8/5/10 Dracovenator - Level 30 - 10/17/3 (max) Pyrorixis - Level 26 - 0/0/1 Pay Method: PayPal only Additional: if you need more information, just get in touch with me