Sold [WTS] Starcitizens finest OC , RARE Items , the BIG ones

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/john-red, 11/15/24.

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  1. /u/john-red

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    I am Trader since 2014, reddit since then too.

    Listed prices includes paypal fees.

    Verified paypal users only

    Confirmed RSI account only

    SHIP Attribute Insurance Price
    Polaris with serial# <500 OC LTI $2000
    MISC Endeavor Master Set - IAE 2949 standalone LTI $1500
    Anvil Carrack - Best in Show 2950 standalone 120M $1500
    Origin 890 Jump - IAE 2949 standalone 120M $1450
    890 JUMP anniversary 2017 standalone 60M $1250
    890 JUMP anniversary 2016 standalone 48M $1200
    Arrastra CCUed LTI $425
    Package - Aurora MR SC+SQ42 Gamepackage 2M $100
    Carrack CCUed LTI $375
    Esperia Glaive Gamescom 2017 standalone 6M $600
    Anvil Hawk lti OC LTI $150
    Crusader C2 Hercules - IAE 2949 standalone 120M $475
    MISC Hull C - IAE 2949 standalone 120M $500
    MISC Hull C Anniversary 2018 standalone 72M $450
    Hull C CCUed LTI $350
    Hull D CCUed LTI $400
    Banu Merchantman OC LTI $600
    Banu Merchantman - Anniversary standalone 24M $450
    Banu Merchantman CCUed LTI $375
    Kruger Intergalactic P-52 Merlin Anniversary 2017 standalone 60M $50
    Aegis Nautilus - IAE 2949 standalone 120M $950
    Aegis Nautilus CCUed LTI $550
    Orion CCUed LTI $550
    RSI Constellation Phoenix - IAE 2950 standalone 120M $525
    RSI Constellation Phoenix Anniversary 2018 standalone 72M $500
    RSI Constellation Phoenix Anniversary 2017 standalone 60M $500
    RSI Constellation Phoenix Anniversary 2016 standalone 48M $500
    RSI Constellation Phoenix Anniversary 2015 standalone 36M $500
    RSI Constellation Phoenix 3.3 Flyable standalone 6M $550
    RSI Perseus Standard Edition CCUed LTI $500
    Sabre Comet - ILW standalone 120M $250

    will start with this for now but will add more from time to time .

    If you're searching for something special feel free to ask . maybe i have it somewhere ;-)

    # #/john-red
    # .
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