[email protected] This dispute is related to transactions involving the user @SEVETHUNIONXG On November 5, 2024, Matthew John Wojdylo began placing orders on PlayerUp. The order was never activated so the transaction was voided. During this time, Matthew John Wojdylo began making multiple $1.03 suspicious charges On November 8, 2024, Matthew John Wojdylo placed another order for $103.00 which was for $100 credits. In this instance, Matthew John Wojdylo activated the order and completed verification. The order was activated with that seller - https://www.playerup.com/conversati...on-id-80722495301-3-way-conversation.2961967/ On November 10, 2024, Matthew John Wojdylo placed 2 new orders but once again never activated those orders. On November 13, 2024, Matthew John Wojdylo requested we cancel all orders claiming that PlayerUp scammed him and charged him $87.00 without his authorization. PlayerUp as shown above never captured and billed Matthew John Wojdylo for any transactions yet he claims we did. We then asked Matthew John Wojdylo to provide proof of this $87.00 charge. As to date Matthew John Wojdylo has yet to provide us the necessary information to help him. We asked Matthew John Wojdylo to go to Live Chat, he refused. We asked to call Matthew John Wojdylo, he won't provide a working phone number. We asked for proof of billing, Matthew John Wojdylo won't provide it. At this time, PlayerUp is suspicious of this users activity as they're using VPNs and not providing any form of information we need to resolve his issues. We are under the assumption that this user might be trying to pull a series of credit card scams and wanted to alert the community about this.