Sold Buying Wtb us preorder ce founder's swtor account w/ referrals. Cm items +more!

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ColorfulCaiques, 12/31/16.

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  1. ColorfulCaiques

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    I'm looking to get back into the game and would really love a SWTOR account with lots of history, unlocks and bonuses. I will detail what I'm looking for down below. There will some requirements and preferred-but-not-required things, but I can be flexible in both areas. The preferred section will be in the order that I want the most.

    This will be an account that I'd like to have until the end of the game and will take care of dearly, so this won't be something I'll be looking to lowball on simply to resell it later for a profit. I'm hoping we can work out a total cost that both you and I can agree on--I will try not to lowball.


    1. I'm looking for a US-based SWTOR account that was created before the game's release and has the Preorder, Collector's Edition and Founder's bonuses.

    2. Any US server does not matter. I used to play heavily on the Prophecy of the Five server, but I would prefer most/all characters on the Harbinger server since that is the most populated one now.

    3. Several endgame level characters. Possibly around a dozen at least, at least at level 55. I used to play with around 20 characters, 16 of them at Advanced Classes with 12 of them at Level 55 with most others at mid-ranged levels.

    4. Forum and in-game account in good standing; little to no warnings and/or minor infractions.


    1. I would like for the account to have a great number of referrals. This would help me attain Cartel Coins every month and greatly keep up with cash shop releases and afford account-wide unlocks.

    2. Lots of armor sets, weapons, Power/Expertise Crystals, vehicles, toys and emotes. I used to play a lot and had a lot of super-rare and expensive unlocks mainly in those areas, with a couple other stuff in Collection's areas I didn't mention. Before I left a little over 2 years ago I had on average around 75% or MORE unlocked in the areas mentioned.

    3. Around mid-2014 I had virtually all the Legacy (rocket boost, species) and generic account-wide unlocks (inventory slots, cosmetic appearance options) and was at Legacy Level 50, so I'd definitely appreciate this.

    4. I would prefer that the account has a history with PvP. Lots of PvP achievements and Valor ranks. I once had a Valor 100 and the achievement in which you killed 50k players in PvP combat.

    5. I had quite a modest amount of event items that are no longer able to be obtained. I would appreciate seeing some of this stuff on the account I'm buying.

    Thank you for reading. You may PM me here, reach me via Skype (ColorfulCaiques), or via email (also associated with my Skype) M.Uchiha7[at]yahoo[dot].com.
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