Im selling CHEAP uplay accounts. Prices are #. I will also accept trades such as accounts. If you buy in bulk 10 accounts will take of $1 of the price. I restock everyday for the freshest accounts. I also get ~ 1000 accounts per day and currently have 4,500 in stock at the time of this post 12/28/16 Prices - Watch_Dogs 2 - $5 Rainbow Six Siege - $2 The Division - $1.50 [New Assassin's Creed games (syndicate and unity) $.50 [Anything else - $.25 I ACCEPT PAYPAL AND BITCOIN! SKYPE - MAKE SURE IT'S MY BY PMING ME OR ASKING ME TO PM YOU!!!! Code: TOS- No refunds! If the account doesnt work once you buy it, send me a screenshot and I will happily replace. These ARE cracked accounts so know that they can get taken If you use 2 step authentication it is very rare for the original owner to get the account back (it's never happened to me with 100+ accounts) Proof -