Sold [Blackmarket][WTS] Selling my Star Citizen Account

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/UnfetteredShadow, 11/4/24.

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  1. /u/UnfetteredShadow

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    For Sale: Star Citizen Account Asking Price: $250.00

    The reason for selling is simple: I haven’t played Star Citizen in over a year. With family commitments and work responsibilities taking precedence, I've decided to let go of the dream of a perfect "sim-rig." Instead of negotiating endlessly for the best offer, I'm more focused on a quick and smooth sale. After all, time is money, and for me, time spent with family is invaluable.

    I may come back and add in screenshots of the hangar+flair later. Everything free since 2017 and all the Luminalia items. If you have any questions or need additional details, feel free to reach out!

    Item Quantity Melt Value CCU Value Giftable
    Anvil Arrow Game Package 1 $85.50 $75 No
    Gladius CCU'd from Dragonfly Black LTI 1 N/A $90 No
    Hoverquad LTI Referral 1 N/A $30 No
    M2 Hercules to Banu Merchantman Warbond 1 $30.00 $130 No
    Scorpius to Apollo Triage 4 $10.00 $10 No
    Cutlass Red to Hull B 15 $5.00 $5 No
    Freelancer DUR to Hull B 15 $5.00 $5 No
    Talon to Legionaire 10 $5.00 $5 No
    F7C SuperHornet to Zeus MKII MR 10 $5.00 $10 No
    F7C SuperHornet to Vulcan 5 $15.00 $20 No
    Razor to Zeus MKII ES 5 $5.00 $5 No

    (1) I am "selling" the right to be added as an "Authorized User" to my account, which is allowed as per RSI's 2016 Terms of Service.

    (2) I will remain the original owner only in the event that official contact is required from the parent company (CIG).

    (3) I understand that my personal information may be permanently retained in the address and billing sections.

    I agree to the above clauses and will not attempt to access, recover or tamper with the said account unless it is requested by the Authorized User.

    # #/UnfetteredShadow
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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