Is it safe to make purchases immediately after buying an account?

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Other Accounts | COC Accounts Sale' started by /u/Metal_Gear_Bush_Dog, 11/3/24.

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  1. /u/Metal_Gear_Bush_Dog

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    I've seen conflicting opinions on this. On one hand, some people say to wait a week before making any purchases. Others say to wait one week before making in-game purchases, but purchases in the Supercell store are fine. And some say that you're good to buy things off the rip.

    So which is it, in your experience?

    # #/Metal_Gear_Bush_Dog
    . .
    #1 /u/Metal_Gear_Bush_Dog, 11/3/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/14/24
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