Selling  11+m GP  250-300 7*  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) 11.5M GP, all GL, all capital ships, 10 relic 9, 37 relic 8, all content <> newest event, ezra, GLAT

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by DerJan, 11/2/24.

  1. DerJan

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    Top mods. Omicrons, zetas all top with focus on Grand Arena Omicrons.

    Thousands of carbantis, kyros and other gear hoarded ready to upgrade whatever. Exceptionally well maintained account with truly good mods and modding. I just don't have the time to play anymore. Looking to hand account over to a player who loves Star wars and takes good care of the account.

    Check swgoh link for details.

    Here's an overview of some of the gear hoarded to give you an idea of what's available. Reach out to me for any questions:

    Kyrotech Shockprod ("LS Kyro"): 2000+
    Kyrotech Battle Copmuter ("DS Kyro"): 1370+
    MK3 Stun Cuffs: 1500+
    MK5 Stun Gun: 1300+
    MK3 Carbanti: 3700+

    MK12 Data Pads: 500+
    MK12 Holo Lens: 800+
    MK12 Furnace: 920+

    Gyrda Keypad (for R9): 180+
    Impule Detector: 240+
    Zinbiddles: 180+

    Omicrons: 70
    Zetas: 160+

    - HotUtils: 7.00
    - ModQ: 7.01
    - Omega: 10.98

    6 dot mods: 524
    5 dot mods: 723

    Capital Ships:
    Leviathan 6*: 40/100
    Profundity 6*: 90/100
    All other capital ships: unlocked, leveled, 7*
    Crystals: < 1000, fluctuates as I'm still playing and spending them on refreshes.
    #1 DerJan, 11/2/24
    Last edited: 11/3/24