[Offering] Doing or Helping Programming Homework For You

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by LegendL3n, 12/30/16.

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  1. LegendL3n

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    Hey there! :)
    Are you struggling in your programming homework?
    Do you want help in it or want it done in less than 20 minutes?
    Then you came to the right place! bobo bobo

    For ONLY 0.5€ I can do all your programming homework
    or help in it(explaining how it should be done etc etc)

    Interested? Contact me on my skype: live:davgl3n

    However... :mad:
    I only know these programming languages:
    - Java
    - C/C++
    - C#
    - Assembly
    - VB/VB.NET
    - Pascal

    Two vouches for first 2 +1000 posts to reply on this
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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