Exploiting LordYar is a scammer

Discussion in 'Disputes - Caution / Under Investigation' started by TheGrinder, 9/24/24.

  1. TheGrinder

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    I'm sending this email to warn GG of an account scam that's been going on for years by the same person and same team of scammers. This guy should be BANNED from the platform as there are MULTIPLE complaints that he is stealing everyone's money after the GG accounts are made.

    This person who is a recruiter of American players who creates accounts for them to use then recovers the account once a deposit has been made. He has an advertisement thread on the website PlayerUP which is an account market. I have also emailed PlayerUP support as this user has received multiple complaints all saying the same thing; that their accounts & funds were stolen.

    Here is the link to his thread. This is easily found with a search engine. "GG accounts for sale".

    I have a 2-year chat history on Telegram with this scammer where he has explained the process subtly over time & has shown me GIFs of scrolling through his phone that contains identification documents of hundreds of people. LordYar & his scamming team have stolen roughly $1000 from me but this is a small amount on the grand scale. He has shown me screenshots of his BTC wallet with $80,000 worth of money from players and funds he has stolen from GG accounts since around 2019.

    Here is a rough overview of how his team operates.

    Player googles "GG poker accounts for sale" and LordYar's PlayerUP thread will be found in the search results. LordYar is from Ukraine. He collects up to $200 USD from the player to create a working & verified GG account. He will then take that money to pay a portion to one of the workers on his team. His worker will either find someone from the street & pay them for their #, proof of residence and headshot holding their # OR they will purchase identification documents from an underground market where they buy/sell to each other.

    GG account will be created using this person's name, then LordYar & his team will use one of their phone numbers & email address (that THEY CONTROL). Even if the player requests to use a personal email address or phone, LordYar will accept because his team can still recover the account using the headshot photos holding a #.

    Once GG account has been created & verified, LordYar will provide the login details to the player who paid the $200 creation fee. Player will then use a VPN & deposit via BTC and begin to play. After 2-3 weeks go by, LordYar's team will try to recover the account using a phone to login and use the "forgot password". If the player requested their personal email address to be used, instead, LordYar's team will email GG customer support to claim the account was stolen, provide the headshots holding the #, then GG support gives the account reset link to them; they immediately withdraw the GG balance & steal the money via BTC.
    This scam has been going on for years. I'm attaching a screenshot of a forum post dated from years ago showing the poster explaining how the scam works and essentially teaching others how to perform the scam.

    I'm sending this to GG & PlayerUP in hopes that something can be done to prevent this scam from continuing to happen.

    Lord Yar during an episode of anger showed me his BTC wallet and the profits he's made during the past several years of stealing GG player funds. This same wallet should be able to be traced through GG's withdrawal transactions. I am attaching a screenshot of our conversation where he provides his wallet address. https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/1A1Qt6AFGZTyvYF5n7putdpRrXFnTRuVmi?page=1 He admits in my conversations with him that this is the main BTC wallet used by his GG customers.

    This is a lot of information and I'm hoping GG security can use it. I'm tired of watching these scammers steal from everyone.
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  2. PlayerUp

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    Thank you for submitting a support ticket with the general support (non middleman support) department.

    Please note that this support doesn't handle middleman/playerup purchases/orders/payments as you'll need to contact the middleman department directly here regarding this. Your ticket won't be redirected so please make sure to open a new ticket with the correct department.

    Assuming this is a general support inquiry, an agent will assist you shortly. Meanwhile while waiting, you can also get help or find your answer here:

    Regular Support
    For all non-middleman help related questions, please follow these instructions:
    1). View the Guides Section for all commonly asked questions
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    3). If these sections above don't answer your question, please submit a Help Ticket here.
    4). You can contact an agent or moderator directly using the chat system.

    If you believe someone has possibly scammed/frauded you, please Open A Dispute Form (takes 2 minutes). Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute.

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  3. Disputes

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    We have moved your dispute here. Please submit screenshots and additional proof.

    @LordYar has been informed.
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  4. LordYar

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    In this story, almost every line is a lie. I'll start with the fact that there are dozens of positive reviews and a couple of negative reviews from accounts that are activated synchronously, it's somehow suspicious (like blackmail)
    Further on about fictional facts. The entire scheme described by the “grinder” is a fiction, I don't know what age he is from, but my ”worker” is not looking for people on the streets, lol. Further about my wallet - anyone can check the transactions... if you “/“ divide the amount of money received by the number of transactions, you get “≈”the approximate price of the account (magic) But you can go further and check each of a couple of hundred transactions .. unfortunately for the l”the grinder” there will be hundreds of transactions of payments for my services/accounts and 0 transactions he talks about (related to the theft of funds) Then he said that I have hundreds of "headshots" and supposedly this is proof that accounts are stolen. But a simple search in Google, or message to the support of the service will confirm that this is also a lie. Accounts cannot be restored using "headshots" If necessary, I will continue and analyse the rest of the false facts of “the grinder” that he invented

    After multiple threats and blackmail, he deleted the correspondence. I don't think there can be any proofs here, because he contradicts himself and tried to use it as a means of blackmail. I only have a couple of screenshots from our correspondence .. I'll leave them here. He deleted the correspondence of the two of us, as far as I remember it happened after he After threats to kill me/workers who work with me which he did several times and I said it could be criminal liability..

    Some of our correspondence, looks like he’s on drugs ..

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    #4 LordYar, 10/27/24
    Last edited: 10/27/24
  5. Obilix78

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