Resolved General Information on Account Sales

Discussion in 'Help - Find Support Answers' started by AgKing, 9/18/24.

  1. AgKing

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    Unverified Member

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    Sorry for the trouble. I created a post and a link using the Middleman Listing. I included the details of my account and inserted the generated link. I would like to know more precisely how account sales work, especially for Last War Survival accounts.

    What do I need to provide to the buyer? The associated email or is the access code enough? Additionally, do I need to do anything else in the post, or will the middleman be assigned automatically when the sale takes place (if someone is interested in buying)?

    Thank you for your support.
    Best regards
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  2. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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    Thank you for submitting a support ticket with the general support (non middleman support) department.

    Please note that this support doesn't handle middleman/playerup purchases/orders/payments as you'll need to contact the middleman department directly here regarding this. Your ticket won't be redirected so please make sure to open a new ticket with the correct department.

    Assuming this is a general support inquiry, an agent will assist you shortly. Meanwhile while waiting, you can also get help or find your answer here:

    Regular Support
    For all non-middleman help related questions, please follow these instructions:
    1). View the Guides Section for all commonly asked questions
    2). View our Knowledge Base for all other commonly asked questions
    3). If these sections above don't answer your question, please submit a Help Ticket here.
    4). You can contact an agent or moderator directly using the chat system.

    If you believe someone has possibly scammed/frauded you, please Open A Dispute Form (takes 2 minutes). Filing a report will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute.

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  3. Middleman

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    Moderator Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman support tickets Middleman Status (Staff): This account handles all middleman transactions

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    Late reply here.

    How does the secure middleman process work for sellers?

    How does it work?
    1). Sellers create and post middleman buy now listings (click here)
    2). Buyer clicks on buy now listing and completes payment
    3). We verify and secure the buyers payment
    4). We create a 3 way conversation ticket with the Buyer and Seller
    5). We inform the Seller which specific account information they need to release to the Buyer
    6). During this process, we will communicate and guide both the Buyer and Seller.
    7). Buyer secures and verifies the account
    8). Payment is then disbursed to the Seller

    Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    Associated email linked to the account.

    Middleman will be assigned to your ticket.