vip 5 almost vip 6 20000 rubies and 1400 gold 5 tarots, 8 awakened ranger, elf, undead and halfblood all reputation on 50 godlike Swift dead horse on lvl 2 and on half way to lvl 3 and 51 fodder in inventory godlike saddle blessed saddle on lvl 7 and extraction elf saddle on lvl 9 almost lvl 10 all faeries in legendary form. some of good awakened cards: fenris the buther, Varkus the blight and some good like 2x werwolfs howlers, 2x elven rebel, elven legioner, blessing dragonkin godlike archangels michael and gabriel and godlike princ serkan and velyin) sone one more awakened in few days (jaraxx, sarya, calista or someone other zou may chouse) very playable acount with great rush, faeries rush and power. Have godlike magician also from tarots great cards Devil, the world and the death sell few more cards and can buy 15 victory packs and win one more awakened cards when event starts thats 10 awakened cards in few days 4 of them elite
one more godlike card grothesc goliath and now 25k rubies waithing for good awa card from victory packs