Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) VIP 14 200mill Account in GW 2 City. 500%+ Bruiser Attack. Will Take Best Offer.

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DamnGem, 10/25/24.

  1. DamnGem

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    I'm done with the game and trying to recoup some of what I've spent. This is a solid account, I was taught by a veteran how to build it. Gsared towards Brusier/Hitmen, this is the Anti-# build.

    Pictures speak for themselves, but this account:
    - Has IC 25
    - 100% Economy
    - All Square Formations
    - 2 investments away from unlocking T4
    - Max Stars
    - Turf Effects
    - Rare Trophies
    - All Currently available Enforcers unlocked, mpst of which are Grand, Elite and Rare.
    - Elite/Grand King's Gear
    - 900k T3 Brusier
    - 900k T3 Hitmen
    - 900k T3 Biker
    - 1.2 mill T2 Wall
    - 130 million diamonds for the next investment.

    This account is perfect for people just starting out or for Veterans looking to bolster the 600 bracket Factions for their own GW. For anyone starting out loking at the price point?

    That cost is a *Fraction* of what it takes to get this far. You will not have a better start than this.


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