Sold 61 Drakania | 20 Billion Silver | 37,000 Crons | Tier 5 Pet | 8 Maids | 9 Outfit Boxes | 2 Dream Hor

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jeff Be, 10/22/24.

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  1. Jeff Be

    Jeff Be
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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Contact me via discord if you are interested

    My discord: dannysuit47

    The account includes one level

    61 character, over 20 billion raw silver and billions more in crafting materials.

    I am the original owner of this account.

    You will receive the original email used for registration of the account as well as

    all other necessary information needed to assume full ownership of the account

    upon purchase.

    Drakania info:

    266 AP / 277 Awakening AP / 320 DP

    98 Inventory Slots

    1316 Skill Points

    785 LT

    Equipment Info:

    TET: Blackstar Slayer

    PEN: Blackstar Trion

    PEN: Kutum Shard

    PEN: Griffon's Helmet

    PEN: Red Nose's Armor

    TET: Leebur's Gloves

    TET: Urugon's Shoes

    PEN: Capotia Necklace

    PEN: Capotia Belt

    PEN: Capotia Ring

    PEN: Capotia Ring

    PEN: Tuvala Earring

    PEN: Tuvala Earring

    Other account info:

    8 Maids: 5 Storage, 3 Market

    5 Pets: 1 x Tier 5, 4 x Tier 3

    6 J's Hammer of Loyalty

    515 Artisan's Memory

    37572 Cron Stones

    87000+ Loyalties

    9 Outfit boxes

    63 Days worth of Value Packs (+41 Days from Blessing of Old Moon Packs)

    95 Days worth of Book of Old Moon (+41 Days from Blessing of Old Moon Packs)

    84 Days worth of Blessing of Kama (+41 Days from Blessing of Old Moon Packs)

    2 x Awakening Weapon exchange coupon

    2 x Main Weapon Exchange coupon

    4 x Sub Weapon exchange coupon

    1 x Inventory +16 expansion coupon

    4 x Inventory +8 expansion coupon

    415 x Item Collection Increase scroll

    53 x 530% EXP and Skill EXP scroll

    40 x Blessed Message scroll (200%)

    50 x Combat & Skill EXP 300% scroll


    2 x Tier 9 (Dream) Horses: 1 x Arduanatt + 1 x Tier 9 Emblem

    1 x Female Tier 8

    Notable Advice of Valks failstack scrolls:

    5 x 150

    3 x 120

    6 x 100

    1 x 88

    13 x 80

    1 x 77

    11 x 70

    28 x 60

    30 x 50

    47 x 40
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. filu

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