Selling  Android and iOS  Average ♥️53 ascended125 260 diamonds | Vip10 | 563 total draws | lvl. 323 | 980 total elit stones

Discussion in 'AFK Arena Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Medusah, 10/23/24.

  1. Medusah

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    53 ascended125 260 diamonds Vip10♥️563 total draws✨lvl. 323980 total elit stones5⭐Lucretia


    It is good for android + ios too
    Please don't forget to check the screenshots.
    ✅It is linked to a fb acc (which fb acc is not existing anymore so I can't give you access to it )
    ✅It is linked to a gmail account and an e-mail which I will give you full access of course

    Account details:
    ♥️lvl: 323
    ♥️stg: 38
    53 ascended ( Ainz is hired but you can hire him anytime without using resorces)
    125 260 diamonds
    ️9 frames
    9 skins
    ♥️Server: 816
    ✊1209M Power
    ⌛218 Temple Of Time Draws
    ✨132 Stargazing Cards
    380 Common Scrolls
    667 Elite Stones+
    315 Superb Elite Stones
    17 Faction Scrolls
    12 Draconis Insignia
    4 Draconis Scrolls
    185 Community Draws
    2x Elite Hero Cards

    ♥️if you have any questions, feel free to contact me !

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.