@Hulk @TaizerHub is reporting my ads just for competition, how cheap can someon go to He removed all my ads before also Now new ones I got to know today Otherwise I would have messaged you then Please block his profile permanently as he is some selfish jealous love you who is trying to bring others down Whenever I got some views on my post he reports it and get it removed We sell stake accounts https://www.playerup.com/threads/al...nums-diamond-account✅-for-sale.6223709/unread example of post Please reactivate my all posts which have good views as he has done with other people also That can also claim it Please ban him forever
https://www.playerup.com/threads/stake-roobet-verified✅️-accounts-for-sale-rakeback-✅️.6214444/ https://www.playerup.com/threads/6255288/ these are the ads which went down because of this guys fake reporting Please make it working again @Hulk