Sold Selling Selling neverwinter acc

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by superpikl, 12/30/16.

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  1. superpikl

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    Hi guys !

    After 2 years I've decided that I will sell my neverwinter account...

    * Acc has 2 Character slot [HR lvl 62 & GF lvl 70]

    Hunter ranger was just for fun, and I didnt put any effort or money in it, so its probably best if you delete it
    so every thing below will be described for Guardian Fighter lvl 70

    * VIP level 12 with 76 days left [30.12.2016]
    * All proffesions are level 25, only ALCHEMY is 21 and I didnt know how to build black ice
    * 2045 TARMALUNE BARS and a lot of stuff idk what it is
    * 1008 EPIC DUNGEON chest Key and 28 ENCHANTED KEYS [+ 76 from VIP]
    * Sylvan Stag mount, Blue Ribbon Pig and normal Horse
    * 6 Companions from level 25 to 35 ...
    * I have a lot of stuff in BANK that idk what is good and what is not, maybe u can tell from screenshot I am the guild leader, but nobody from guild is playing, so every thing is for sale
    and this is my Personal BANK
    * I've stop playing before I realy build my character, so it still kinda sucks, but Ive managed to get the Dusk Ward set and the artifact Sigil of the guardian which is curently level 71
    * 132 SLOT Invetory with artifact that calls "shop guy" , so its great for farming
    * bunch of stuff under Proffesion Invetory that you could sell ..
    ================================================== =======================
    I think I've described almost every thing, if u have any questions just PM me and I will gladly answer you,
    if you do the math u can see, that just from selling stuf and over 100 Enchated keys, u can get about 3 or maybe 4 milions of astral diamonds, curent amount is only300.000 , cause I've spend it on proffesions and there is also 64 ZEN left

    I would like to have 50eur paypal for this acc, or ANY M9 bayonet skin for CS:GO.
    Thanks a lot that you take time for reading all this and if you are intersted, send me PM or add me on steam

    Cheers !
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